7 Awesome Python Packages and Example Projects to Build!


There are almost 100 python packages being created each day. On PyPI, at the time of writing this article, there are 254,216 projects. So how do you know which packages are most useful? This article hopes to address that issue, by presenting 7 awesome python packages, example use cases, and example code.

This list is mostly geared towards data science, with an emphasis on python packages that make cool projects easy to do.

Slacker — easy to use Slack API

I love Slack’s easy to use API. Slack makes it super easy to make automated bots, to increase the productivity of your team. Simply, we can use Slack bots to send alerts, such as algorithm performance over time. More complex apps can be made that take inputs from a user via a modal which can trigger a job.

The Slacker package can be found here, and a great example of complex apps can be found on Glitch.

Example — using Slacker to send alerts and files

Slacker is super simple to use and combined with automation, can be very useful. Let’s say you want to use it to connect to SQL every morning to get a daily sales snapshot and send a graph to a channel:

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